
Monday, 13 November 2017


*Dusts off keyboard* 

So the last year has been a bit weird...I made one of these and subsequently launched this...which has kept me rather busy (more the first one to be honest...). 

Which meant that my precious mugs, rugs and exquisite antique sofas were temporarily overlooked (I know!). But with a baby who has (finally...) got interested in napping and a potential move to a nice big decoration project on the cards, I'm getting the band back together - so stay tuned for even more mugs, product round-ups and before/after projects from someone who has never actually had a chance to pick up a paintbrush before. Wish me luck.

As Mondays are still, as we know, very much For Mugs what better way to get back into the swing of things than with the finest of all types of mug: The Cat Mug. Oliver Bonas got this spot on for feline fans like me with Saskia. A simply sweet mug that's ready to be filled with strawberry milkshake (ideally drunk while wearing cat ears obvs).

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