
Tuesday 18 January 2011

Blogger love

I was most flattered by the ever fabulous JulieB from Fantasy Decorator (check it out for super cool interiors pics and trends - and many a fantasy to share) who awarded me a Stylish Blogger Award! Thank you so much - I'm still blushing...

The rules are as follows:
1} Select 10 blogs and pass along the award
2} Share 7 random FAQ's about yourself

So here are my top bloggers...sending you fabulous folk a Stylish Blogger Award!:

1) Glitterball Louise's blog is lovely, inspiring and always makes me smile
2) What Katie Does I love following Katie's blog and sharing her love of furniture and our feline friends
3) The Shabby & The Chic blogger friends and colleagues, two gals with opposing styles but share love for all things cool
4) Man Make Home A gent's New York via London paired-down style. It actually makes me want to clear the clutter (I will do it one day!)
5) Your Home is Lovely Affordable inspiration and shared love of second hand rummaging
6) A Rose Beyond the Thames Stylish loveliness
2) Teacups, Cupcakes Happy thoughts, flowers and super snaps from a fellow London blogger
7) Her Little Place Great design, trends and recipes that are definitely worth trying out
8) Home Shopping Spy Get inspired with the first look at the coolest, cutest homeware and witty reportage
9 and 10) Two of my top fave inspiring blogs that I can't help but keep going back to: Layers & Layers and Bright Bazaar

So many more that I can't fit in! Thank you all (including the ones I haven't got room for!) for inspiring, amusing and cheering me every day.

Seven facts about me?! Gulp...ok here goes:

1) I'm 29 (that's an easy one!)
2) London born and bred, I've recently returned to my natural habitat in the South after four year attempt at staying away from the saarf
3) I'm a bit crazy about Twitter happy to chat about furniture, shopping, tea (quite a lot) and happy indulgent crap @iamdaisyfay
4) As an F Scott Fitzgerald fanatic I'm most unhappy at the prospect of the '3D' Great Gatsby film. FSF would not approve
5) I'm not actually a Daisy myself... it's just another FSF reference
6) I could happily write a few more points about early twentieth century American authors (does this one count as a random FAQ?! *clutches straws*)
7) I have different coloured eyes (one of my fave and well-used random FAQs)



  1. Oh wow, thank you so much for giving me that award - I feel so unworthy! So glad I've now found your blog - can't wait to read through the rest of your posts x

  2. Am loving seeing who everyone else is passing these on to (so many new blogs to discover!), and finding out a little more about the people behind them!
