
Friday, 11 May 2012

Dulwich Festival Open House Preview, SE22

Sneaky preview pics from Dulwich Festival...

Stylish snooping is the thing for the next two weeks in South London. When Dulwich artists will open their homes for the Artists' Open House as part of this annual festival.
This intrepid nosy parker has taken a peek into one of these fab open homes...that will be open to the public this Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th.

Here's my look into the home of Ben Anders and Vanessa Leigh-Anders. Ben is well-known for his perfectly measured photography and will be showing a selection of prints ranging from discovered landscapes to simply captured interior details. 
But (very excitingly for us homeware fiends) they will also be showing Ben's latest venture with Vanessa...their new homewares brand Soda
Vanessa's distinguished past career as an interiors picture editor means she has the perfect eye to put together this very pleasing collection, that is shown throughout their home during the Open House. 
This new brand to the block specialises in furniture, upholstery, lighting and home accessoriesAll the Soda product look super stylish and easy on the eye in a perfect Soda palette...
In their (of course) beautifully stylish home.
Look. Love. Snoop. Enjoy. I know I did...