If I say 'French antiques' and 'the King's Road' in the same sentence, I'm sure like me you'll be thinking 'far too expensive' and 'the credit card bill'. But in a lovely chance stumble I happened across this fab store of French furniture and vintage accessories, that is very nicely within my budget. Bravo, indeed!
The products are all sourced from France directly by the owner - who I must applaud for having the most fabulous taste. Furniture is either available beautifully restored or reupholstered. While the accessories are picked from vintage markets.
As a child French holidays were the highlight of my summer. A couple of bronzing weeks spent living under canvas a short walk away from a sandy beach. Bliss. This shop takes me happily back to those heady days - there were so many items here that reminded me of then, lazing around in the sunshine and the markets Mum used to drag us to:
I'm sure a French camping neighbour must have had these...1960s garden chairs. I love them, the seaside stripe in the best colours on the deepest green metal frame. Want. Only £69 - amazing.
And I don't think I spent a summer holiday without smelling a whiff of the annual Pernod my dad insisted on. We never had such a lovely bottle though...
The pricepoints really got me for the King's Road. As I'm usually happy to just browse on this super posh, super snazzy shopping street. But it was this vintage set of sailing boat illustrated glasses and jug for just £22 that really got me hooked...
Vintage fabric lined storage, I like this kind of upcycling very muchly...
Lovely measuring jug...
How much cooler is this than those Unigate milk crate monstrosities?
More nice little French-y touches...
A vintage, panda rocking thingy, I need say no more...
Smart and cosy looking, tres bon...
Teatime. With lemon of course...
Love these - 50s coasters, jelly-mould style...
I am sold and sold again. I cannot wait for my Christmas shopping now (yes I am well aware it is still August) family and friends prepare for le gifts magnifique.